Protected: The Butcher Of Paris – A Patreon Exclusive

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The Los Feliz Christmas Murder

A few hours later, the doctor grabbed a ball peen hammer from the garage, walked to his bedroom where Lillian lay sleeping, and bashed his wife’s head in. It’s said she did not scream, and the children were not alerted. Sadly the blow to the head did not immediately kill her, the cause of death was asphyxiation – Lillian had been left to slowly drown on her own blood…

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The Doctor & His Corpse Bride

Dr Karl Von Cosel (or Karl Tanzler, as many of us recognize him) lived in the Florida Keys. When he was just a boy, the doctor had a dream in which an ancestor came to him and showed him the face of his one true love. Karl grew up, got married, and had 2 children, but he was always waiting for his true soul mate, literally the girl of his dreams to come along…

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The Doctor’s Revenge

Janice thought long and hard about it, and she decided that she knew where she had picked up the diseases. She went to the police, and finally the district attorney; Janice told them about a late night call from the doctor, telling Janice he was coming over right now to give her a B vitamin shot. Richard had arrived at her house within minutes, injected her, then practically ran out the door. All of this had been so out of the ordinary, and the shot itself was unusually painful; she’d never had an injection hurt like that in her entire life! Looking back on it, Janice knew without doubt that the doctor had shot her up with hepatitis C and HIV that night…

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